Beatable - roulette: science and art of roulette

 The most frequent question posed by or to fans of this fascinating world is the following:


"Is roulette beatable, or are we all deluding ourselves?"


From a mathematical standpoint, Roulette, when viewed purely as a random number generator, is unbeatable. There is no need to wait for delays, even extreme ones, in an attempt to win. However, Roulette is not just mathematics; it also involves physics, and according to some scholars, perhaps something more.

In these pages, we will delve deeper into Her Majesty Roulette: its history, its rules, its mathematical foundations, and, most importantly, we will explore its weaknesses.


There are established methods that, when approached correctly, can allow a player to beat roulette:

  • Biased wheels
  • Visual physical prediction
  • Instrumental physical prediction


Additionally, there are lesser-known and still unrecognized approaches that hold great potential, including theories about the non-randomness of the roulette generator. Among these, we highlight:

  • Dealer signature
  • Consequential Roulette Generation
  • The theories derived from the legendary scholar of the past, Charles Henry
  • The theories derived from the work of the famed scholar Theo D'Alost.


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